Specialising in environmental solutions, education and community consultation.

Why Us

Get Fauna Works Involved in your next project

Fauna Works has the expertise, reliability and experience to deliver the highest quality outcomes for your project which in turn minimises risks of delays or impediments to your project timeline

We provide accurate, succinct and well organised documents and reports that provide maximum accessibility to the information you need

We maintain open communication with clients to ensure you have an up to date and accurate understanding of the progress on your project

We have a proven track record in safely undertaking field surveys and field research in remote and regional areas

Our staff are highly trained with appropriate Nationally Accredited competencies facilitating the highest quality consulting experience

We are passionate about what we do and employ qualified, ambitious and like-minded staff

What We Do

Fauna Works is committed to conserving biodiversity, with active involvement in re-vegetation, habitat recovery and the reshaping of wildlife habitat alongside industry.

Fauna Works is an independent environmental consultancy company and we stand behind our ethos to Educate the community, Conserve biodiversity and problem solve through Innovation.

What you can do to help us help nature

Fauna Works is committed to forming partnerships with like minded organisations.

Our conservation fund is for the purpose of re – wilding wildlife populations and maintaining biodiversity in partnership with the community. We donate 20% of our profits to environmental causes worldwide.

Channel your business with Fauna Works, a company that financially stands behind its work.

Discover More

Fauna Spotter Catcher

Fauna Works specialises in a range of wildlife management strategies ranging from on-site wildlife surveys and assessment to capture and relocation.

Fauna Works
Conservation Fund

Fauna Works Conservation Fund is for companies and individuals who wish to assist our team to support global conservation efforts to preserve biodiversity.

Our Projects

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